George Rosenberg is an experienced counselor, strategist, and business advisor. His firm, The Rosenberg Group, provides consulting and coaching services to public relations and integrated communications firms across the country.
George spent more than 30 years in the public relations business, including 17 years with Burson-Marsteller/New York, where he was responsible for a unit of 100 people and clients billing more than $13 million. He was then appointed president and then CEO of Cohn & Wolfe, and helped to build a small, two-office, regional agency into an international firm ranked among the top 15 largest in the country. He has been also been president of a small New York firm and a partner in a midsize agency, prior to opening his own PR firm in 2000. George also helped establish the corporate communications recruiting practice at Ward Howell International, an international search firm.
Today, George advises owners of public relations and integrated communications firms on how to grow and manage their agency more effectively. He helps owners and managers address such key agency needs as creating a vision and strategic plan for their firm, developing and implementing new business and other growth strategies, positioning the firm, hiring and retaining “stars” and dealing with operational and other human resource issues. He also coaches owners, CEOs and senior management on leadership and management development, and advises owners on mergers, acquisitions, alliances, and exit strategies.
As a public relations practitioner, George Rosenberg has helped a wide variety of clients including such organizations as, The PGA of America, Coca-Cola, Gillette, Golden Bear Enterprises (Jack Nicklaus), Digital Equipment Corporation, Texas Instruments Philip Morris Event Marketing, Turner Broadcasting’s Goodwill Games, Quaker Oats, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Federal Express’s Winter Olympic sponsorship, Philips Consumer Electronics Corp. and General Electric to name just a few.
He is an accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America and is active in the Counselors Academy. He is a graduate of The American University, Washington, D.C., with a B.A. in public relations. George is a frequent speaker on leadership and management issues at public relations agency conferences and seminars.